We are an action packed class of Year 4, 5 and 6 students at Auckland Point School in beautiful Nelson, New Zealand.
Sep 23, 2011
My Trip to Melbourne Zoo
Sep 19, 2011
Sep 13, 2011
Sep 6, 2011
Rock Da House
Sep 2, 2011
The Trip to Sissy Bay
Jun 13, 2011
Rugby League
We have started our weekly Rugby League tournament at Tahuna playing fields. A bus comes and picks us up from school to take us to the field. We have 2 APS teams competing against teams from Nayland Primary, Tahuna, Birchwood, Stoke and Victory.
There is a drills area set up for us to use while we are not playing a game. We all had great fun getting muddy after all the rain we have had.
Jun 1, 2011
Tree Planting
Tree Planting on PhotoPeach
May 17, 2011
Otis I am poem
I’m wonder if the world will end
I hear constant gunfire
I see the explosions
I want a p.s.3 and a Zippo
I am funny and reliable
I pretend I am in the army
I feel fizzy inside
I touch the comets falling by
I worry about the enemy bombers hoping they wont hit me
I cry when something disappointed
I’m funny and reliable.
May 16, 2011
Star of the week - Week 2
Star of the week. Term 2 - Week 1
Apr 17, 2011
Star of the Week - Week 10
Otis is the star of the week for week 10! Otis can always put a smile on someones dial! He is a great character and keeps a happy buzz happening in our room. Otis has been working really hard during reading and maths. He is always willing to share interesting stories with us or to add another view point to our class discussions.
Star of the Week - Week 9
Mac's Boulder Bank Story
Whoa! I said as I stumbled off the ferry and onto the Boulder Bank. This was the first time I had been to the Boulder Bank and I was really excited. As we made our way to the lighthouse, I had to keep stopping to get prickles out of my socks.
I realised Judi was screaming at me from behind “I’m the leader!” “Sorry” I say and doodle back. I thought to myself ... your too slow! Soon after that, Judi let us walk ahead slightly so I met up with Buda and Spider. We walked and talked so the walk to the lighthouse didn’t seem to take too long. It felt weird looking at Nelson from another angle. When we got to the lighthouse, I spotted an old couch. Bruce the ferry man told us on our trip back to school that the couch had washed up there after the flooding last year. The couch had travelled all the way from the Maitai River!
After lunch, I built a hut with Spider, Allan and Buda.
Megan called us over and told us to go up the lighthouse. The walk up to the top of the lighthouse took ages. The stairway was really steep. When I got to the top of the lighthouse, I was surprised how much of Nelson I could see.
All the children in our school held hands for a picture around the lighthouse.
I could see Bruce the ferry man waiting for us, I knew it was time to go back!
My favourite part of our trip to the Boulder Bank was finding out about how the Boulder Bank was formed and building the huts.
I hope I get to go again sometime.
By Mac
Mar 29, 2011
Mar 28, 2011
Star of the week - Week 8
Caleb is our Star of the week for Week 8. Caleb is stepping up to be a great leader in our school. He is a great helper in lots of aspects around school. He is a fantastic buddy to Addison and he organises Jump Jam and singing for us each morning. Caleb is also a keen sportsman. He plays rugby for the Nelson Rugby Club and is great at league too.
Mar 20, 2011
Buddy Reading

Each day one reading group from our class goes to read with the children in Trafalgar Room. This is a great way for the junior children in our school to form positive relationships with Nile Room children. We read a picture book from our school library to the children in Trafalgar Room and they read us books from their browsing boxes. This helps us all gain mileage with our reading.
Star of the Week - Week 7
Louis is the star of the week for week 7! Louis is a keen sportsman and you will always find him playing cricket or soccer at break times. Louis is an active member of APS and is one of our Senior Sport Leaders. The children in Nile Room had lots of positive things to say about Louis, here are some of them;
Louis is
- A great cricket player
- Good at maths
- An awesome friend
- A ‘bright spark’
- Motivated to do well at school
Keep up the great work Louis.
Star of the Week - Week 6
Nicole started at Auckland Point last year when she moved from Vietnam to Nelson. She is a hard working member of our class and she always completes her work to a high standard. She is great at asking questions when she is unsure of anything. Nicole is a great role model for other children at our school.
Mar 8, 2011
Nile Room Star if the Week - Week 5
Rowan is our star of the week. He is always working hard in class and participates actively in the life of our school. Rowan has taken on the responsibility of being a buddy to Alex in Trafalgar room and he is definitely someone for Alex to look up to. Rowan is a fantastic sportsman and an all round great kid. We really enjoy having you around Rowan.
Feb 24, 2011
Nile Room Star of the Week - Week 4
Feb 23, 2011
Jazmin's photo of the day
Feb 22, 2011
Caleb's photo of the day
Nile Room Star of the Week - Week 3
Nile Room Star of the Week - Week 2
Allan is the star of the week this week for having such a positive attitude towards learning and others. Allan you are a pleasure to teach because you follow instructions and always treat others with respect. You are kind and caring which helps make Nile Room a happy place to be. Keep up your positive attitude because people with positive attitudes tend to be the ones that go a long way in life.
Feb 11, 2011
Self Portraits

We have been working hard over the last few weeks on our self portraits. These are a little different to what a self portrait normally looks like, they are funky and represent our individual style. We had to use contrasting colours to represent each part of our portrait. Here are some examples.