Nov 26, 2014

Healthy Eating Links

I have found some links that will have information for finding out about;
* a balanced diet
* healthy food
* benefits of healthy food

This is the 5 + a Day website

This is the Healthy Kids website

This is the Breakfast Eaters Have it Better website

Nutrition Tips

Feeding our Families

Information about Healthy Lunches - Need to know what is NOT healthy for lunchboxes and what is?

Need to know how to tell if a recipe is healthy? Go here!

Nov 25, 2014

Rotation ART!

Today you will try out your reflection and rotation skills with a piece of ART WORK!
Click HERE for the instruction!

It has lines of symmetry (how many?!), it has reflection (where?!), it has rotation!

Have fun!!

Nov 4, 2014

My extraordinary handwriting!!

This is my handwriting today. I am very proud of it!!! It is much neater than usual!!
 This is my handwriting today!!

 This is my writing 3 days ago

As you can see I have improved a lot from 3 days ago.
I am very proud of my work. :D

By Alex