Mar 19, 2010

Sea Week Boat Trip

On Friday 12th March as part of sea week Caleb and I went in Mrs Hockley’s car to the Ministry of Fisheries. When we got there we went inside the building and went to the conference room where lots of people were massing. There were people from Victory School, St. Joseph's, Tahuna School and lots of other schools. After that messing around an important looking man came out and talked to us about the fish for the future. After a long talk we finally went abroad the catamaran and the captain talked about safety rules and told us about the ship and it’s history. Then we were off! It was so exiting!! We played a game called sea legs. You had to keep your legs on the boat without falling over on the deck. I never fell over on the deck but lots of other people fell over. When we reached the outskirts of the marine reserve the scientist lowered the underwater camera and looked around the seabed. They only saw spotty, and then they raised it up and we stated going into the marine reserve. When we got in the marine reserve they lowered it back again I didn't see anything because I spewed up my bumper bar that I had for morning tea! The people that were in the cabin saw: spotty,cod,starfish and crayfish. The marine reserve is for protecting fish because you can’t fish in there. I think there should be a few more marine reserves around our area. After all that commotion we headed back to port. I really liked the boat trip and the people were really nice and supporting.

By Buda

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