Nov 29, 2013

Go - Karts at Camp

I sped off in the Go - Kart!! The Track went past me in a blur, I was having so much fun,  then....
I whacked into Rueben’s Go - Kart, he was going soooooooooo sssssslooooooow!! So slow that even a snail could beat him!!
I stopped throttling the little Go - Kart’s Motor and waited until Rueben got to the other end of the track then... VRRRRRRRROWWWWM!!!!!!!!! I zoomed over the bumps and holes and then I came up behind Rueben. I started coughing a lot because Rueben got the Motorbike helmet and I got a safety helmet. I think I should have had the Motorbike helmet because Rueben had no dust. After our turn was over, Mr Green (who was the man running the Go - Karts) said I could have 2 laps without dust. After my 2 laps I had to get out of the Go - Kart. I had a great time at camp :)
By Alex

Here is me and Rueben in the Go - Karts.

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