Apr 17, 2011

Mac's Boulder Bank Story

Whoa! I said as I stumbled off the ferry and onto the Boulder Bank. This was the first time I had been to the Boulder Bank and I was really excited. As we made our way to the lighthouse, I had to keep stopping to get prickles out of my socks.

I realised Judi was screaming at me from behind “I’m the leader!” “Sorry” I say and doodle back. I thought to myself ... your too slow! Soon after that, Judi let us walk ahead slightly so I met up with Buda and Spider. We walked and talked so the walk to the lighthouse didn’t seem to take too long. It felt weird looking at Nelson from another angle. When we got to the lighthouse, I spotted an old couch. Bruce the ferry man told us on our trip back to school that the couch had washed up there after the flooding last year. The couch had travelled all the way from the Maitai River!

After lunch, I built a hut with Spider, Allan and Buda.

Megan called us over and told us to go up the lighthouse. The walk up to the top of the lighthouse took ages. The stairway was really steep. When I got to the top of the lighthouse, I was surprised how much of Nelson I could see.

All the children in our school held hands for a picture around the lighthouse.

I could see Bruce the ferry man waiting for us, I knew it was time to go back!

My favourite part of our trip to the Boulder Bank was finding out about how the Boulder Bank was formed and building the huts.

I hope I get to go again sometime.

By Mac

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousMay 10, 2011

    I enjoyed reading that story. sounds like you had a lot of fun. Cant wait to read more stories.
    Hi to everyone in nile room

    from Huriyyih



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